Andrew H. Banoff, MBA, a veteran Jewish Heritage Travel participant, brings his love of travel and Judiasim along with his deep commitment to the well-being of others to his role as trip leader. With a long and distinguished career in health care administration and, most recently, as the president and CEO of Jewish Senior Services, he will share his natural talents for bringing people together and for fostering community to ensure a memorable journey.
After a progressively responsible career in health care administration in New York and Connecticut Andrew transitioned in 2003 to focus on the state of senior living. He has led the way to significantly improved, community and family oriented nursing home models in both states. He a fellow in the New York Academy of Medicine and the American College of Healthcare Executives, and is a member of the board of directors of several organizations, including the Association of Jewish Aging Services (AJAS) and the Connecticut Alliance for Long Term Care (CALTC).
Andrew is also the executive producer of the film “Next Year Jerusalem,” which follows the journey of nursing home residents on a trip to Israel, shining a unique light on the meaning of life. He has led two such senior-focused missions to Israel.